Cat training with a treat - a brown tabby cat lifting its paw towards a person's hand holding a treat.

Mastering Cat Training: How to Train a Cat and Understand Their Behavior

Today, we're diving into a topic that's often considered challenging but incredibly rewarding and achievabletraining your cat. Yes, you read that right. Contrary to popular belief, cats can be trained! So grab a cup of coffee and settle in; we're about to embark on an adventure in feline education.

Why Train Your Cat?

Training your cat isn't just a party trick—it's an enriching experience for both of you. Training can help with behavioral issues, improve mental stimulation, and strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend.

Benefits of Training:

  1. Behavioral Improvements: Reduce unwanted behaviors like scratching furniture or jumping on counters.
  2. Mental Stimulation: Keep your cat's mind sharp and engaged.
  3. Stronger Bond: Enhance communication and trust between you and your kitty.

Getting Started

Before diving into specific training techniques, it's essential to understand some basics about cat behavior and psychology.

Understanding Feline Psychology

Cats are naturally independent creatures with a strong sense of curiosity. They respond well to positive reinforcement but may become stubborn or stressed if they feel forced into something. Patience is key!

Basic Commands

Training commands can be incredibly useful in managing day-to-day interactions with your feline friend.

How to teach a cat to sit?

Teaching your cat to sit is one of the simplest commands.


  1. Hold a treat close to your cat's nose.
  2. Move the treat upwards so that their head follows it.
  3. As their head goes up, their bottom will naturally lower.
  4. Once they sit, say "sit" and give them the treat immediately.

Train your cat to come when called

This command can be particularly useful if you want to keep tabs on your adventurous kitty.


  1. Use a treat or favorite toy.
  2. Stand a few feet away from your cat and call their name followed by "come."
  3. When they come towards you, reward them with the treat or toy.


A fun trick that’s sure to impress guests!


  1. Hold a treat at nose level.
  2. Raise the treat slightly above their head so they have to reach up with their paw.
  3. As soon as they lift their paw , say “high-five”and give them the treat.

Advanced Training

Once you've mastered basic commands, you might want to venture into more advanced training techniques. These activities not only provide physical exercise but also mental stimulation for your feline friend. Let's explore two exciting advanced training options: leash walking and agility courses.

Leash Walking

Believe it or not, cats can be walked on leashes too! Leash walking can provide a safe way for your cat to explore the outdoors while getting some exercise.


  1. Begin by getting your cat comfortable with wearing a harness indoors. Allow them to sniff and investigate the harness before putting it on. Make sure it's snug but not too tight.
  2. Once your cat is used to the harness, attach the leash and let them drag it around inside the house. This helps them get accustomed to the sensation of being tethered without any pressure from you holding it.
  3. Gradually start holding the leash yourself while letting your cat lead the way. Allow them to explore at their own pace within a confined indoor space.
  4. When your cat is comfortable with you holding the leash indoors, take short walks outside in safe areas like your backyard or a quiet park. Avoid busy streets and loud noises initially.
  5. Gradually increase the duration and distance of your walks as your cat becomes more confident and comfortable with outdoor environments.

Agility Courses

For cats that are particularly active and curious, agility courses can be an excellent way to channel their energy constructively.

Setting Up an Agility Course:

  1. Choose obstacles by using household items like tunnels, hoops, and low jumps to create an obstacle course.
  2. Introduce each obstacle one at a time, using treats or toys as incentives.
  3. Reward your cat with treats or praise each time they successfully navigate an obstacle.
  4. Once they're comfortable with individual obstacles, combine them into a full course.
  5. Practice regularly but keep sessions short to maintain your cat's interest.

Common Challenges

Training cats comes with its own set of challenges:

  • Stubbornness: Cats are more independent than dogs; don't get discouraged if progress is slow. Patience is key!
  • Distractions: Make sure you're training in a quiet environment where distractions are minimal.
  • Inconsistency: Consistency is crucial for successful training; try to practice commands daily.


In summary, training your cat requires patience, but it's worth every minute spent together! Not only will it lead to better behavior and mental stimulation for your kitty, but it will also strengthen the bond between you two—a win-win situation! Here's to many rewarding training sessions and a closer relationship with your feline friend.

Pawsely training, and have a purr-fect time!


Share your training experiences with us in the comments below!

Check out our Positive Reinforcement Tips for more ways to keep your pet engaged and happy.

For more information on common cat behavior issues, visit ASPCA - Common Cat Behavior Issues

For more information on training a fearful cat, visit PetMD - Training Your Fearful Cat

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